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Cash movements

All persons, whether acting on their own account or for a third party, must make a:

when they perform the following movements (article 34 of Act 10/2010):

  • Withdrawal or entry into national territory of means of payment (paper money, coins or bearer cheques) for an amount of EUR 10,000 or more or its equivalent in foreign currency.
  • Movements within national territory of means of payment (paper money, coins or bearer cheques) for an amount of EUR 100,000 or more or its equivalent in foreign currency.

Failure to make such a declaration, or any inaccuracy in the data declared, shall result in seizure of the full amount of the means of payment, except the minimum deemed necessary for survival (up to EUR 1,000).

En la Orden ETD/1217/2022 ( BOE-A-2022-20714 Orden ETD/1217/2022, de 29 de noviembre, por la que se regulan las declaraciones de movimientos de medios de pago en el ámbito de la prevención del blanqueo de capitales y de la financiación del terrorismo. ) se especifica toda la información relativa a la presentación de la declaración de efectivo.



Failure to comply with the prior declaration duty for means of payment shall be deemed a serious offence, which shall be subject to the following penalties (article 57.3 of Act 10/2010):

A fine of between EUR 600 and 50 percent of the value of the means of payment intervened and public or private reprimand.