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Letras del Tesoro auctions calendar for 2022

Auctions Term Redemption Days Date for bid submissions [1] Date of auction resolution Payment date [2] Date of disbursment [3]
01.14.2022 6-month Letras 07.08.2022 175 01.10.2022 01.11.2022 01.13.2022 01.14.2022
01.14.2022 12-month Letras 01.13.2023 364 01.10.2022 01.11.2022 01.13.2022 01.14.2022
01.21.2022 3-month Letras 04.08.2022 77 01.17.2022 01.18.2022 01.20.2022 01.21.2022
01.21.2022 9-month Letras 10.07.2022 259 01.17.2022 01.18.2022 01.20.2022 01.21.2022
02.11.2022 6-month Letras 08.12.2022 182 02.07.2022 02.08.2022 02.10.2022 02.11.2022
02.11.2022 12-month Letras 02.10.2023 364 02.07.2022 02.08.2022 02.10.2022 02.11.2022
02.18.2022 3-month Letras 05.06.2022 77 02.14.2022 02.15.2022 02.17.2022 02.18.2022
02.18.2022 9-month Letras 11.11.2022 266 02.14.2022 02.15.2022 02.17.2022 02.18.2022
03.04.2022 6-month Letras 09.09.2022 189 02.28.2022 03.01.2022 03.03.2022 03.04.2022
03.04.2022 12-month Letras 03.10.2023 371 02.28.2022 03.01.2022 03.03.2022 03.04.2022
03.11.2022 3-month Letras 06.10.2022 91 03.07.2022 03.08.2022 03.10.2022 03.11.2022
03.11.2022 9-month Letras 12.09.2022 273 03.07.2022 03.08.2022 03.10.2022 03.11.2022
04.08.2022 6-month Letras 10.07.2022 182 04.04.2022 04.05.2022 04.07.2022 04.08.2022
04.08.2022 12-month Letras 04.14.2023 371 04.04.2022 04.05.2022 04.07.2022 04.08.2022
04.22.2022 3-month Letras 07.08.2022 77 04.18.2022 04.19.2022 04.21.2022 04.22.2022
04.22.2022 9-month Letras 01.13.2023 266 04.18.2022 04.19.2022 04.21.2022 04.22.2022
05.06.2022 6-month Letras 11.11.2022 189 05.02.2022 05.03.2022 05.05.2022 05.06.2022
05.06.2022 12-month Letras 05.12.2023 371 05.02.2022 05.03.2022 05.05.2022 05.06.2022
05.13.2022 3-month Letras 08.12.2022 91 05.09.2022 05.10.2022 05.12.2022 05.13.2022
05.13.2022 9-month Letras 02.10.2023 273 05.09.2022 05.10.2022 05.12.2022 05.13.2022
06.10.2022 6-month Letras 12.09.2022 182 06.06.2022 06.07.2022 06.09.2022 06.10.2022
06.10.2022 12-month Letras 06.09.2023 364 06.06.2022 06.07.2022 06.09.2022 06.10.2022
06.17.2022 3-month Letras 09.09.2022 84 06.13.2022 06.14.2022 06.16.2022 06.17.2022
06.17.2022 9-month Letras 03.10.2023 266 06.13.2022 06.14.2022 06.16.2022 06.17.2022
07.08.2022 6-month Letras 01.13.2023 189 07.04.2022 07.05.2022 07.07.2022 07.08.2022
07.08.2022 12-month Letras 07.07.2023 364 07.04.2022 07.05.2022 07.07.2022 07.08.2022
07.15.2022 3-month Letras 10.07.2022 84 07.11.2022 07.12.2022 07.14.2022 07.15.2022
07.15.2022 9-month Letras 04.14.2023 273 07.11.2022 07.12.2022 07.14.2022 07.15.2022
08.12.2022 6-month Letras 02.10.2023 182 08.08.2022 08.09.2022 08.11.2022 08.12.2022
08.12.2022 12-month Letras 08.11.2023 364 08.08.2022 08.09.2022 08.11.2022 08.12.2022
08.19.2022 3-month Letras 11.11.2022 84 08.12.2022 08.16.2022 08.18.2022 08.19.2022
08.19.2022 9-month Letras 05.12.2023 266 08.12.2022 08.16.2022 08.18.2022 08.19.2022
09.09.2022 6-month Letras 03.10.2023 182 09.05.2022 09.06.2022 09.08.2022 09.09.2022
09.09.2022 12-month Letras 09.08.2023 364 09.05.2022 09.06.2022 09.08.2022 09.09.2022
09.16.2022 3-month Letras 12.09.2022 84 09.12.2022 09.13.2022 09.15.2022 09.16.2022
09.16.2022 9-month Letras 06.09.2023 266 09.12.2022 09.13.2022 09.15.2022 09.16.2022
10.07.2022 6-month Letras 04.14.2023 189 10.03.2022 10.04.2022 10.06.2022 10.07.2022
10.07.2022 12-month Letras 10.06.2023 364 10.03.2022 10.04.2022 10.06.2022 10.07.2022
10.14.2022 3-month Letras 01.13.2023 91 10.10.2022 10.11.2022 10.13.2022 10.14.2022
10.14.2022 9-month Letras 07.07.2023 266 10.10.2022 10.11.2022 10.13.2022 10.14.2022
11.11.2022 6-month Letras 05.12.2023 182 11.07.2022 11.08.2022 11.10.2022 11.11.2022
11.11.2022 12-month Letras 11.10.2023 364 11.07.2022 11.08.2022 11.10.2022 11.11.2022
11.18.2022 3-month Letras 02.10.2023 84 11.14.2022 11.15.2022 11.17.2022 11.18.2022
11.18.2022 9-month Letras 08.11.2023 266 11.14.2022 11.15.2022 11.17.2022 11.18.2022
12.09.2022 6-month Letras 06.09.2023 182 12.05.2022 12.07.2022 (*) 12.09.2022
12.09.2022 12-month Letras 12.08.2023 364 12.05.2022 12.07.2022 (*) 12.09.2022
12.16.2022 3-month Letras 03.10.2023 84 12.12.2022 12.13.2022 12.15.2022 12.16.2022
12.16.2022 9-month Letras 09.08.2023 266 12.12.2022 12.13.2022 12.15.2022 12.16.2022
01.13.2023 6-month Letras 07.07.2023 175 01.09.2023 01.10.2023 01.12.2023 01.13.2023
01.13.2023 12-month Letras 01.12.2024 364 01.09.2023 01.10.2023 01.12.2023 01.13.2023
01.20.2023 3-month Letras 04.14.2023 84 01.16.2023 01.17.2023 01.19.2023 01.20.2023
01.20.2023 9-month Letras 10.06.2023 259 01.16.2023 01.17.2023 01.19.2023 01.20.2023


(*) On the auction of 07.12.2022 the only accepted form of payment will be through a previous deposit.

[1]. Date for presenting bids at the Bank of Spain's offices; until 14:00h. CET, 13:00h. In Canary Islands.

[2]. Date of payment for the non-members of the Public Debt Primary Marketregistered in the Bank of Spain; until 14:00CET.

[3]. Date of disbursement and debit on account of Members of the Public Debt Primary Market registered in the Bank of Spain.