The Tesoro Público has as its main objectives the management of public debt, the regulation of the financial sector and international financial relations. These functions include:
- At the international level, the representation of Spain in the Economic and Financial Committee of the European Union and participation in ECOFIN and Eurogroup, the permanent representation in the IMF, the World Bank, the European Investment Bank, European Stability Mechanism, the Council of Financial Stability and the economy and finance circuit of the G20, among others. Regarding international financing, participation in multi-donor funds or debt conversion programs through the Paris Club.
- At national level, competencies include state financing and financial regulation. On the one hand, the issuance and management of public debt, the management of the treasury, the guarantees of the State and the General Deposit Box, and the control of movement of capital. On the other hand, the powers in financial regulation cover the normative elaboration of the legislation of banking entities and stock market, as well as the institutional relationship with the Bank of Spain, CNMV, FROB, FGD and Sareb.
The main body is the General Secretariat of the Treasury and International Financing, which is attached to the Secretary of State for Economy and Business Support of the Ministry of Economy and Business. The General Directorate of the Treasury and Politics depends on the General Secretariat, and a total of ten General Sub-directorates complete the organization chart.
Currently, Paula Conthe holds the position of Secretary General of the Tesoro and International Financing, Carla Díaz Álvarez de Toledo as General Director of the Tesoro and Financial Policy, and Inés Carpio San Román as General Director of International Financing.