- Auction results are made known by procedures that guarantee the most equal information to all operators. Specifically, they are published on the day of the auction in Internet (http://www.tesoro.es), Reuters (TESORES 07 Y TESORES 08), Bloomberg (TES05 Y TES06) and Telerate (38631/2 y 38633/4). They are also printed in the Boletín Oficial del Estado pursuant to the Resolution of the General Directorate of the Treasury and Financial Policy.
- The information published includes:
- nominal amount bid
- nominal amount allocated
- stop-out price
- rounded-off weighted average price of accepted bids
- price or prices payable on the debt allocated
- The internal rate of return corresponding to the weighted average price and stop-out price of Letras, Bonos and Obligaciones auctions (see Yield calculations for a detailed explanation of how these values are worked out).